Transportation Services

"Every year, approximately 440,000 public school buses travel more than 4 billion miles and daily transport 24 million children to and from schools and school-related activities. School buses account for an estimated 10 billion student trips each year. By all measures, school buses are the safest motor vehicles on the highways." -School Bus Safety Fact Sheet from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration |
General Bus Guidelines and Stop Change RequestsTop of Page
All pupils must behave appropriately as passengers of a school bus. Clearly understood and well-enforced rules are necessary for the successful management of pupils who ride school buses.
Students who disobey the bus rules will receive a written warning and the warning will be distributed to the parents, administration and driver. The administrator will take appropriate action as indicated on the warning form. On the second offense the student will be suspended from bus privileges for 10 school days if the student is found to be responsible after the administrator's investigation. After a third offense the student will be suspended from bus privileges for 20 school days.
Students who disobey the bus rules will receive a written warning and the warning will be distributed to the parents, administration and driver. The administrator will take appropriate action as indicated on the warning form. On the second offense the student will be suspended from bus privileges for 10 school days if the student is found to be responsible after the administrator's investigation. After a third offense the student will be suspended from bus privileges for 20 school days.
Procedure to Request a Bus Stop Change or Addition:
A parent request to change or add another bus stop must be made in writing to the assistant principal. E-mail the Assistant Principal. The assistant principal will then copy the request and submit it to the bus company liaison. A meeting will take place to determine the possibility of accommodating the request. The decision will be communicated to the parents within ten school days of the request. A parent will have the right to appeal to the Superintendent of Schools. If the request involves a safety issue, not a convenience issue, the superintendent will confer with the Wrentham Police Department. The superintendent’s decision will be final.
Bus Number |
Driver |
Bus Number |
Driver |
#1 | Robert Walsh "Bob" | #9 | Jack Perkuhn "Mr. Jack" |
#3 | Leo Glennon "Leo" | #10 | Stephanie Brooks "Mrs. Brooks" |
#4 | Larry Grant "Larry" | #11 | Ronald Masinda "Mr. Ronnie" |
#5 | Darlene Lazaron | #12 | Mike Weinacker "Mr. Mike" |
#6 |
Kathy Botaish - AM
#14 | Cindy Stone "Mrs. Stone" |
Dick Holmes - PM | #15 | Jean Cullity "Mrs. C" | |
#7 | Karen Hurley "Mrs. Hurley" | #16 | Dawn Sims "Miss Dawn" |
#8 | Donna Burt "Mrs. Burt" | ||
School SafetyTop of Page
Young children are NOT small adults!
- They often act before thinking and may not do what parents or drivers expect.
- They assume that if they see the driver, the driver sees them.
- They can't judge speed and they think cars can stop instantly.
- They are shorter than adults and can't see over cars, bushes, and other objects.
-United States Department of Transportation
All of our students arrive at our school in one of four modes of transportation. Whether they arrive by bus, car, bike, or walking, the school system is committed to keeping students safe as they access school property. Cars are not allowed in the bus circle during drop off and pick up of students. Children who walk are reminded to use the appropriate sidewalks.
Parents can also assist the school in assuring the safe arrival of students by reviewing safety guidelines with all their children, driving slowly on school property, and obeying all the safety guidelines set by the school system.