Technology Safety
A Safe EnvironmentTop of Page
The Wrentham Public Schools is committed to providing a safe environment for its students. Every attempt is made to protect students both physically and psychologically. Student safety is a priority from the time the student steps on the bus in the morning to the time that step off the bus in the afternoon.
The student's physical well-being is addressed through procedures such as locked outside doors, a buzzer system, visitor check-in, and CORI checks. The student's psychological well-being is addressed through such things as positive student interaction, positive referrals, DARE, and Open Circle.
The student's physical well-being is addressed through procedures such as locked outside doors, a buzzer system, visitor check-in, and CORI checks. The student's psychological well-being is addressed through such things as positive student interaction, positive referrals, DARE, and Open Circle.
Technology SafetyTop of Page

Technology safety is a high priority. Every attempt is made to keep students and their information protected. A state-of-the-art firewall and Internet filtering system are carefully managed to protect our students from inappropriate material and our information from unauthorized access. Individual e-mailing and chatting are not made available to our students. Every attempt is made to block access to e-mail and chat outside of our network. Internet safety is taught to all students by our lab teachers.
- Firewall Information
- Internet Filtering Information
- Acceptable Use Policy – Student Guidelines
- Acceptable Use Policy – Student Policy and Agreement
- iSafe Internet Safety Education
- EveryCloud's Ultimate Parent's Guide to Internet Safety
- A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety
- KidsHealth – Internet Safet
- Kid Safety on the Internet
- Internet Safety Guide