School Libraries
Our library collections are accessible through SAILS. SAILS' mission is to provide resource sharing, direct & equal access, and meet every patron's needs, through cooperation, leadership & technology.
As a member of SAILS, our students and staff have access to materials from 70 member libraries.
The Delaney Library (PreK-3) currently maintains a collection of over 6,000 print and non-print items for students and teachers. These collections include: Picture Books, Easy Readers, Junior Fiction, Fiction, Graphic Novels, Nonfiction, Biography, and Teacher Resources.
Access the Delaney Library through the link in the image below.
The Charles E. Roderick's Raymond Library (gr. 4-6) currently maintains a collection over 10,000 print items for students and teachers. The collection includes: Picture Books, Junior Fiction, Fiction, Nonfiction, Biography, Young Adult, Graphic Novels, Reference Materials, and Teachers Resources.
Access the Roderick Library through the link in the image below.

The Charles E. Roderick's Raymond Library also has access to a collection of ebooks and audiobooks through Sora.
Access Sora by following these steps:
1. Click the image below to open Sora
2. Choose "Charles E Roderick" for school
3. Use your WPS Google Account to login
Library StaffTop of Page
Mrs. Lopez - Library Media Specialist
Mrs. DeVore - Library Media Assistant
Volunteering at the LibraryTop of Page
If you would like to volunteer once a week or even once a month we would love to have you! We need you more than ever. Volunteers assist with shelving books, shelf-reading, and other areas where we need help.
Circulation GuidelinesTop of Page
Library students may check out one book per library period. Exceptions are made based on classroom projects.
Students are required to bring their library books to each class meeting for either returns or renewals. If materials are returned late, students do not receive fines, however, if an item is lost or missing we ask that the item be paid for or replaced. If a replacement copy is purchased it should be an exact match of the item being replaced.