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Roderick School

​​​Core_Values Card Icon​​​Core ValuesTop of Page

Respect * Communication * Collaboration * Responsibility * Continuous Growth and Learning

Welcome to the Charles E. Roderick Elementary School!

Our mission is to collaborate with families to provide all students with learning experiences through highly effective, consistent teaching practices and curriculum in a safe environment. At the Charles E. Roderick Elementary School, our focus is for students to become reflective, lifelong learners, who are respectful and responsible contributors to a global society. Each day, we work to maintain a culture of continuous growth and learning; strengthen family and community connections; and ensure that the Charles E. Roderick Elementary School is safe, innovative, and inclusive. 
We look forward to working as partners with all our parents and students throughout this school year. You may be assured that we will strive to provide your child with the finest educational experiences possible. 
Dr. Kevin Martes 

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Roderick school Office staff
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Mr. Martes
Principal, Kevin Martes
Mrs. DietzAssistant Principal, Laura Dietz
Roderick Secretary, Lori Blake
Secretary, Lori Blake

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Roderick mental health staff
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Mrs. Celentano
Counselor, Alyssa Celentano
Mrs. DuffyPsychologist, Rachel Duffy
Ms. LazzaroCounselor, Sara Lazzaro

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Roderick school reminders
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All children in grades four, five, and six who arrive after 8:20 AM or who are being dismissed prior to 2:45 PM must be signed in/out in the Roderick Office by a parent or guardian. 
Parents are asked to remember:
  • All visitors must report to and sign in at the office.
  • Parking is not allowed in the bus circle during morning (8:00 AM – 8:30 AM) and afternoon (2:00 PM – 3:00 PM) bus time.
  • Label your child's coats, backpack, boots, supplies etc. 
Please contact Mrs. Blake in the Roderick Office with any questions or concerns at 508–384–5430, option 2.

Behavior_Guideline Card Icon
Behavior Guideline
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Hand with Three Fingers RaisedFollow the Three R's:
Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn 

Students are expected to show respect for fellow students, teachers and any school personnel. 

Children are expected to follow rules and regulations and to respect authority and the rights of others.  While this Code of Conduct is designed for students, it is expected that all members of the school community will adhere to the same standards.

School rules governing behavior in classrooms, in the cafeteria, at recess, in the corridors, in the lavatories, at assemblies, on the bus, and on bicycles have been developed by a committee consisting of the administration, teachers and parents.  These rules and expectations will be regularly reviewed.

Roderick_Newsletter Card Icon
Roderick Newsletter
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Click link to view:

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Family and Student Handbook
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The Family and Student Handbook linked below was developed by a committee of administrators, teachers, and parents to provide you with the information needed for the school year.  All of our students are expected to observe the procedures set forth in this handbook. If you have any questions during the school year, please contact your child's teacher.  If you have additional questions or need further clarification, contact either of the school principals or the superintendent.

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Curriculum night
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A Curriculum Night is held in all schools by the end of the second full week of school.   The Open House for Grades 1 – 3 is held on a different evening than Grades 4 – 6.

Curriculum Night is intended as a get-acquainted session and not as a time to raise questions about specific children. At Curriculum Night teachers give an overview of the curriculum, explain classroom rules and procedures, and answer general questions as they pertain to their classroom.

Curriculum Nights are designed for parents; it is not appropriate for children to attend.