Kindergarten Registration Information

Information for the Families of Incoming Kindergarten Students(2025-2026 School Year)Dear Incoming Kindergarten Families,
On behalf of the School Committee, administration, faculty, and staff, welcome to the Wrentham Public Schools! Our mission is to work with you to help all of our students become reflective, life-long learners. We look forward to getting to know you and your child(ren).
We want to make the transition to kindergarten as easy as possible. To that end, we will host Kindergarten Information Night. The date is Thursday, March 27, 2025. At Kindergarten Information Night, administrators and teachers will share details about the kindergarten program and answer your questions.
We hope that the information provided at Kindergarten Parent Night will help you understand our kindergarten options.
Kathleen Maloney
Delaney School Principal
Important Kindergarten DatesTop of Page
Parent Information Night: Thursday, March 27 @ 6:00pm
Kindergarten Registration: Online, Friday, March 28
Kindergarten Screening: June (dates TBD)
- Kindergarten Bus Orientation: August (DateTBD)
Kindergarten registration infoTop of Page
• Only NEW students to WPS need to register. Project Blossom students do not need to register.
• Your child must be 5 years old on or before August 31, 2025.
• The School offers free full-day kindergarten
• Specific Information about our kindergarten program will be offered at our Kindergarten Information Night. This program is for parents and guardians only. There will be an opportunity to tour the classrooms as part of the information night.
• The School offers free full-day kindergarten
• Specific Information about our kindergarten program will be offered at our Kindergarten Information Night. This program is for parents and guardians only. There will be an opportunity to tour the classrooms as part of the information night.
Your child needs the following to enter Kindergarten in the Fall:
Physical exam
A physical exam with an immunization history and a vision screening including stereopsis dated and signed by an MD are required for entrance to kindergarten. Your child may be excluded from school until we have received documentation from your physician.
Immunization Record
The law requires that the following immunizations be completed before entering kindergarten:
• Hepatitis B: | 3 doses |
• DTaP(diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) | 5 doses |
• MMR (measles, mumps, rubella | 2 doses |
• Polio/IPV | 4 doses |
• Hib (Haemophilus influenza B) | 3 doses |
• Proof of chickenpox disease or Varicella/varivax vaccine |
2 doses |
• Proof of lead screening |
Please contact the Delaney School Health Office at 508-384-5430 X1050 and X1060 with any questions. Our school nurses will be happy to assist you.
Kindergarten ScreeningTop of Page
Kindergarten screening is mandated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Once registration is completed, parents will be contacted by the school to set up a screening appointment through a signup link.
The screening process involves:
Children’s readiness skills in basic concepts, motor, and language will be assessed in order to identify any students in need of special education services
A norm reference tool that yields age equivalent scores is used.
Wrentham Public Schools use the DIAL-4, Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning.
Please note:
Parents can help to prepare by ensuring your child gets a good night's sleep. Role playing might be helpful so your child feels comfortable going with the teacher.
It is NOT a pass fail test to enter kindergarten or determine readiness.
The entire screening process takes approximately 60 minutes.
Screening is completed by teachers in kindergarten classrooms.
Parents do not accompany children to the classroom.
Parents will be informed of results via mail.