Family Portal

I tried to activate my account and it won't let me log in!
The first time you log in to the Family Portal the system will create a series of popup windows to force you to change your password and choose a security question for password recovery if you forget your password or get locked out of your account. Mobile device browsers have been known to have issues with this. If you are using a computer and nothing comes up, make sure you have popups enabled.
I can't remember my password!
On the right of this page is a link for the password recovery directions. We recommend you print a copy and keep it near your computer.
I tried logging in, but Aspen says my account is locked and I can't reset my password!
All non-staff accounts are disabled from the last business day in June through mid to late August. If this is happening during the school year, please send an email describing the problem to
What do I do if I can't remember my username and/or the primary email address associated with my account?
If you can't remember your account username or which email address was set to receive Aspen notifications, send an email to with your name and any additional email addresses you may have given us to contact you.
I hit the 'back' button in my browser and got an error message!
This is normal behavior for the Aspen database. Typically your browser will include a request to re-submit data with your error message, which you will want to agree to. Whatever you were looking at before may not appear after re-submitting, and you will need to click on another tab before returning to whatever you viewed last.
I have joint custody of a child, how do I request a separate login for their other guardian?
If you need multiple logins for a student, please call your school's main office.
Can I view my student's report card/grades on the portal?
Report cards will be published to the portal for the 2020-2021 school year. They will appear on the homepage in the lower right in a section with the title 'Published Reports.'
Can I change my student's and emergency contacts'information on the portal?
We have posted instructions on the right/bottom of this page on how to verify and edit student and contact information via the portal. Some contact information cannot be changed via the portal and will require you to call the school office.
What does 'AS' mean in Attendance?
Our school uses different codes in Attendance: A or VA = Absent, V= Attended Virtually, D = Dismissed, T = Tardy, AS = After School. The latter is a code to indicate the child has a note in Aspen regarding the end of the school day, not that they missed any school.
One of my students isn't listed in my account.
Please send an email to with your name, your username, and the name of the missing student(s). Please note that only those students for whom you are a primary caregiver or legal guardian should be listed. If you are an emergency contact as a friend or neighbor, those students should not appear in your list.
I have someone else's student listed in my account.
Please call your school's main office and give them your name, your username, and the name of the missing student(s). Please note that only those students for whom you are a primary caregiver or legal guardian should be listed. If you are an emergency contact as a friend or neighbor, those students should not appear in your list.
Can I enroll my child using the portal?
Yes! If you already have students enrolled you can use the Online Registration's 'Initiate' button on the homepage once you log in. If you are new to the district, please visit our Student Registration page for further instructions.
Help! My problem/question isn't listed here or in the portal help menu.
Aspen portal help requests should be submitted via the Aspen Support Request form or and email to You can expect a response within 2 business days if not sooner.