District Contacts
Delaney Elementary School: Delaney Main Office, Pre-K through Grade 3, Student Services, and Food Services
Janelli Annex of Delaney School: Superintendent’s Office, Curriculum Office, and Business Office
Vogel Wing of Delaney School: Technology Department, BICO Classrooms, WPD Substation
Roderick Elementary School: Roderick Main Office, Grades 4, 5, and 6
School Committee Members
Philip Jordan, Chair, schoolcommittee@wrenthamschools.org
Erin Greaney, Vice Chair
Veronica Gonzalez, Secretary
Paul Lashway
Sheena Clutterbuck
The Wrentham School Committee meets at least once per month during the school year and are open to the public. Meeting dates, agendas, and meeting minutes are listed on the Wrentham Public Schools website.
Superintendent’s Office
Phone: 508-384-5430 x3 Fax: 508-384-5444
Dr. Allan Cameron, Superintendent - camerona@wrenthamschools.org
Ms. Laurie Green, Administrative Assistant - greenl@wrenthamschools.org
Curriculum Office
Dr. Vanessa Beauchaine, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment - beauchainev@wrenthamschools.org
Ms. Laurie Green, Administrative Assistant - greenl@wrenthamschools.org
Business Office
Ms. Shannon Shepherd, Business Manager - shepherds@wrenthamschools.org
Mrs. Nancy Nickerson, Assistant Business Manager - nickersonn@wrenthamschools.org
Delaney Elementary School Office
Phone: 508-384-5430 x1 Fax: 508-384-5445
Miss Kathleen Maloney, Principal - maloneyk@wrenthamschools.org
Mrs. Laura Dietz, Assistant-Principal – dietzl@wrenthamschools.org
Mrs. Toni Rando, Administrative Assistant - randot@wrenthamschools.org
Ms. Jill Goddard, Administrative Assistant – goddardj@wrenthamschools.org
Mrs. Julie Cashman, School Nurse – cashmanj@wrenthamschools.org
Mrs. Kerry Richardson, School Nurse - richardsonk@wrenthamschools.org
Mrs. Caitlin Robbins, School Nurse - robbinsc@wrenthamschools.org
Roderick Elementary School Office
Phone: 508-384-5430 x2 Fax: 508-384-5446
Dr. Kevin Martes, Principal - martesk@wrenthamschools.org
Ms. Lori Blake , Administrative Assistant - blakel@wrenhtamschools.org
Mrs. Christina Monti, School Nurse montic@wrenthamschools.org
Student Services Department
Phone: 508-384-5430 x5 Fax: 508-384-9632
Mrs. Ellen White, Director of Student Services - whitee@wrenthamschools.org
Ms. Casey Geary, Team Chair - gearyc@wrenthamschools.org
Mrs. MaryAnn Mackin, Administrative Assistant - mackinm@wrenthamschools.org
Technology Department
Phone: 508-384-5430 x6 Fax: 508-384-5445
Mr. Sean Ahern, Director of Technology - aherns@wrenthamschools.org
Mr. Scott Massey - Network Specialist - masseys@wrenthamschools.org
Mrs. Christina Eaton – Data Specialist - gilbertc@wrenthamschools.org
Food Services Department
Mrs. Lisa Luce, Food Service Director - lucel@wrenthamschools.org
Maintenance Department
Phone: 508-384-5430 x8 Fax: 508-384-5444
Mr. Glenn Gillespie, Facilities Manager - gillespieg@wrenthamschools.org