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Community Forum #1
Wednesday, March 19th, 2025 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Virtually via Zoom (passcode: qgzc6m)
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Why does Roderick School need a major construction project?
The Roderick School has served the students and families of Wrentham since 1968. Many people created wonderful memories in the school and on the playground over the years. The town has invested in maintaining and improving the building, but it is nearing the end of its useful life. For example:
- The heating system, windows, and doors are inefficient, outdated, and expensive to maintain.
- The original classrooms are too small for contemporary learning environments.
- The classrooms on the perimeter of the gym/cafeteria are loud and distracting.
- There are not enough learning spaces or office spaces to accommodate the number of students and staff members in the school.
In 2022, the town submitted an application to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) for support for a major construction project at Roderick School. MSBA received over 100 applications for school projects and selected nine, including Roderick School. This means that the town could be reimbursed for almost half of the cost of the project. This is a great opportunity for Wrentham.
How is the project work progressing?
At the Special Town Meeting on November 13, 2023, town residents unanimously approved $1.1 million to pay for an MSBA feasibility study for a major renovation or replacement of Roderick School. The School Building Committee used the funds to hire an Owner’s Project Manager (Vertex) and a Designer (TSKP).
In December of 2024, TSKP conducted a thorough review of the building. They found several issues that should be addressed through the building project:
- Classrooms
- Undersized classrooms
- Grade 5 split into two parts of the building
- No spaces for extended learning or small group work
- Cafeteria noise for classrooms located around the perimeter of the cafeteria/gym space
- Student Support
- Many student support resources, like Speech/Language Pathologist, school psychologist, English as a Second Language teacher, and Occupational Therapy and Physical therapy are located in small windowless spaces that were converted closets, bathrooms, etc.
- Special Subjects
- Gym is not unavailable since it is also the cafeteria.
- No stage.
- Art room lacks storage space and a kiln.
- Administrative Suite and Health Office
- No conference room, copy room, or storage room.
- No exam rooms.
- Custodial
- No receiving area/loading dock
- Inadequate storage
We are working to develop an Educational Program to guide the plan for education at Roderick School. A group of 27 WPS staff members, community members, and students’ caregivers are developing the Educational Program for Roderick School. The plan will explain the district’s curriculum goals, how those goals are being pursued at Roderick School now, and the objectives of the building project pursuant to those goals.
What is the history of Roderick School?
The original Roderick School was constructed in 1968. The building was 29,208 square feet and consisted of thirteen classrooms, one library space, a kitchen, two adult restrooms, two student restrooms, two student changing rooms (for physical education), and two storage rooms around the perimeter of a combined cafeteria/gym. The original building also has a main office suite with small offices for the principal and school nurse.
In 1988, the town built a 26,754 square foot addition to the building. The addition consists of eleven classrooms, one library, eight small offices, two adult restrooms, and two student restrooms. Roderick School sits on a 60-acre campus with Delaney School, Vogel School and a septic treatment plant.