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“I have a passion for teaching kids to become readers, to become comfortable with a book, not daunted. Books shouldn’t be daunting, they should be funny, exciting and wonderful; and learning to be a reader gives a terrific advantage.”
– Roald Dahl
Hello Parents and Guardians,
I am excited to be working with you and your children this year!
Grade 2 and 3 are such fun years for us here in the Delaney School. We are amazed at what our students accomplish each and every day. At home, you will watch your child's literacy skills grow and develop over the course of the year. One important item to note is that it's not only reading that will help foster your children's literacy skills but talking about what they are reading! This is such a huge piece to their critical thinking and comprehension development. Make sure you are asking questions after they read.
I look forward to another great year with you all!