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Spring Concert

          Roderick Beginning Band, Advanced Band, Instrumental Small Ensembles, and Chorus
          Thursday, May 25th at 7:00 PM
          Gibbons Gym (Janelli Annex)
Performers should wear all black and arrive at the Delaney cafeteria between 6:15 and 6:30. Audience members are welcome to enter the gym when they drop off their performer(s) to avoid making multiple trips, but may not proceed to the cafeteria. 
Handicap seating can be reserved in advance. Email me and let me know how much space you need. 

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Honors Band

What it is:
Honors Band is an incredible opportunity for your young musician to play alongside others. Since it is open to the entire King Philip district, students from Roderick Elementary School, Freeman Kennedy School, Anna Ware Jackson Elementary School, and the King Philip Middle School will all be playing in an ensemble together. For more details, please consult the information letter from the high school directors here: Honors Band Audition Info
The rehearsals are all from 3:30 until 5:30 on Wednesday, April 5th, Monday, April 10th, and Tuesday April 11th. Wednesday, April 5th is a half day for Wrentham Public Schools, so students will need a ride to the rehearsal that afternoon. On the 10th and the 11th, bussing will be provided from Roderick to the high school after school for students. Please pack a snack for them to eat during break to keep their energy up!
The concert is Wednesday, April 12th at 7:00 P.M. in the KPHS auditorium. Students should arrive at the school by 6:30 to prepare. 
Want to see last year's show?

Summer Band

Summer band is now open for registration! 
For those of you who are new to the concept, Summer Band is open to all band members entering fifth through ninth grade who have played for at least one school year. It runs from July 11th through August 3rd, with rehearsals on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:00-8:00 PM. 
For more in-depth information and the registration form, check out the official flyer below!