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Summer Learning 2024

Wildcat_Summer_Workshop:__Maintain_Your_Learning_Momentum Card IconWildcat Summer Workshop: Maintain Your Learning MomentumTop of Page

Students in every grade can choose to participate in the Summer Reading & Math options by clicking on their grade below.

Wildcat_Summer_Workshop_2024 Card IconWildcat Summer Workshop 2024Top of Page


Get ready to learn, Wildcats!  

At the end of the summer, turn in your summer calendars by giving them to your new teacher in September or take a picture of it and email it to Dr. Beauchaine using the button below.     We look forward to celebrating your efforts in the fall!

W rentham students can start the 24-25 school year off well by reading each day!

I nvite a favorite friend or relative to play a math game!

L ook at the booklists on your grade level page for more suggestions!

D are to learn more by setting a goal of 10 Freckle minutes each day on your Freckle Math Calendar!

C hoose a reading challenge with the Fiske Library for additional incentives!

A dvance in Freckle to earn more tokens and keep your math skills sharp!

T urn in your Reading Logs and Freckle Math Calendars to Dr. Beauchaine!  

PreK & Kindergarten

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

KP Grade 7

Enter the 8 books you read this summer and 
earn a free book through the Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Program for
students in Grades 1-6!
Click the link to download your B&N Reading Journal
Students can visit this completely free digital destination which offers stories, characters, games, and a community of readers from now through September 12th! 
Home Base is moderated for safety 24/7.

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