"If you dream it, you can do it!"~Walt Disney

Homework:Top of Page
Below is our nightly first grade homework goals:
~Read from a Just Right book that you selected with your teacher. Remember our reading strageties as you settle down to read your brilliant book. First, take a picture walk and notice all the dynamite details in each illustration. Second, read the book to an adult. Third, retell the "juicy" parts from the beginning, middle, and end to an adult. Fill in your reading log.
~Practice your math skills by reviewing your math facts in your math wallet and/or work in Freckle Math. In Freckle Math, you can select Fact Pratice and/or a skill in "Adaptive Math."
Additional Ways to Help Your Sensational Child Succed:
~Trick Word Pratice - practice reading and writing all of our Fundations Trick Words. You can also create super sentences using our Trick Words.
~Math - learn more about coins such a pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. You can identify them, count them, add up their value, etc. Explore 3D shapes, telling time, and graphs.
~Balance your child's brilliant brain by reading aloud to them from a fiction book, a nonfiction book, or a poetry book.
~Enjoy games such as Scrabble Jr., Bananagrams, Connect Four, Trouble, puzzles, card games, etc.