Welcome to ART! It's never too early to volunteer for our ART SHOW which is in the Spring.
Welcome to Art
Our art room is a place to experience a multitude of art mediums. The students learn to manipulate the mediums in order to create visual art.
If you are interested in volunteering in your child's art class, email Mrs. Lovely. (You will need to complete a CORI. Go to the Superintendent's Office.)
Mrs. Lovely's students' Art Show takes place in the Roderick Cafeteria.
We are usually in great need for Art Show volunteers. Volunteer times occur a week before the Art Show during school hours, the morning of the show at 8:30AM and the night of the show at 7:00 PM for about 35 minutes.
Mrs. Lovely's Students:
Grade 3 students of Mrs. Tufts, Mrs. Jeffries and Mrs. Hanewich.
Grades 4, 5 and 6.
These students' art class takes place in the Roderick Art Room.
This year's Art Show is Thursday, March 12 5:30-7:00PM.